French: Communication and Culture
École Parkside School
Grade 7 & 8
A new language is acquired by speaking (and living) it. In Manitoba, French language instruction in the English program emphasizes the development of oral skills, with reading and writing complementing overall learning.
Students at École Parkside School are given the opportunity “…to use and re-use the French language for purposes of real communication”.[1] To these ends, the focus on instruction and teacher modelling is authentic communication connected to the lives of learners.
Throughout the school year, themes such as My Life (me, my preferences, family), School, Food, among others are explored. Making connections to francophone culture, inside and outside of the classroom, allows students to see real francophone speakers and culture in action.
Learning to speak French provides students at École Parkside School not only an opportunity to learn a second (or third) language, it also has “positive consequences on the development of literacy skills” in our students’ first language.[2]
Around the world, over “160 million people live and work in French”.[3] In Canada, more than 8 million of us speak French. French: Communication and Culture is a pathway to Canada and the world…
Quote: “Do you know what a foreign accent is? It’s a sign of bravery.”
-Amy Chua
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[1] Manitoba Education and Advanced Learning, French: Communication and Culture, Grades 4 to 12, Manitoba Curriculum, Framework of Outcomes, (Winnipeg, Manitoba, 2014), p. 57.
[2] Manitoba Education, French: Communication and Culture, Grades 4 to 12, p. 7.
[3] Canadian Parents for French, We’re staying in French because we’re keeping our options open! (pamphlet), CPF.CA.