Emotional Supports
Kids Help Phone
Stress Hacks
Klinic Crisis Line: 204-786-8686 OR 1-888-322-3019 (TTY: 204-784-4097)
Manitoba Suicide Line "Reason to Live": 1-877-435-7170 (1-877-HELP170)
First Nations and Inuit Hope for Wellness Help Line: 1-855-242-3310
(Counselling available in English and French - upon request, in Cree, Ojibway, and Inuktut)
The Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba: 1-204-925-0040 (anxiety support line to help people cope with stress)
Education & Learning From Home Supports
Manitoba Education Response to Learning K-12 Plan
My Learning At Home (ENGLISH LINK)
Mon apprentissage chez moi (FRENCH LINK)
My Child in the Middle Years: A Parent Resource (ENGLISH LINK)
Mon enfant à l’école : une ressource pour les parents (FRENCH LINK)
Middle Years Education in Manitoba (ENGLISH LINK)
Les années d’études intermédiaires au Manitoba
Free Online Resources for Manitoba Educators and Parents
MB Provincial Report Card Information for Parents
Online Safety Supports
The links listed are excellent sources to support students and parents in navigating the online world. These sites help us learn more about ways to be safe online, know about and understand the risks of being online and also offer ways to report concerns if you or someone you know needs help.
Canadian Centre for Child Protection
Need Help Now
National Online Safety
Common Sense Media
Parent Supports
This is a resource for parents and students by Cst. Gord Olson from the RCMP ICE Unit. On this site you can access his Parent & Student presentation "Before You Hit Send" which is intended to educate parents and students about online safety. There is a way for parents to message Cst. Olson on this page. As well, there will be daily/weekly tips regarding social media, screen time and other issues connected to the increase of time our children may be online while learning from home.
Mental Health Virtual Therapy - Manitoba government support for any Manitoban over the age of 16